Contending with Anti-Corruption & Compliance Risks

Contending with Emerging Anti-Corruption & Compliance Risks in Acquisition  - This session will focus on emerging trends in anti-corruption and compliance that continue to have a growing impact on the U.S. government procurement process and the professionals who work in this space. Self-Paced Virtual Training | Beginner/Intermediate | 90 minutes | 1.5 CPE/CLP | $55 member/$69 non-member


Description: U.S. government procurement process demands the highest commitment to ethical and unbiased conduct. As the government seeks to hold public officials and contractors accountable for compliance failures and misconduct, the threat of prosecution and debarment present an ongoing risk to acquisition professionals. This session will focus on emerging trends in anti-corruption and compliance that continue to have a growing impact on the U.S. government procurement process and the professionals who work in this space. Recorded on October 27, 2022.

Learning Objective: 

  • Identify and mitigate corruption and fraud risks

Intended Audience:

  • Acquisition Professionals in the government and private sectors

CMBOK Competencies: 

  • B.4 Risk Management 
  • 1.4 Regulatory Compliance

Level of Difficulty:

  • Beginner/Intermediate


  •  Jessica Tillipman, Assistant Dean for Government Procurement Law & Anti-Corruption, Ethics & Compliance Prof. at George Washington University Law
  • View Bio


  • 1.5 CPE/CLP credits


  • $55 member/ $69 non-member

Course Access:

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